Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pre-Diabetes and Me...

are apparently two words that go together.

I went for my semi-annual checkup and he said my blood sugar was abnormal and then proceeded to barrage me with a series of questions?

Have I been eating a lot of sugar? Hells yeah
Am I frequently thirsty? No
Do I have a frequent need to urinate? I don't think so
Do I have tingling and numbness in my limbs? Maybe
Do I get shaky between meals? Yes
How frequently do I eat? Whenever I feel like it
Do I get daily exercise? Nope, not really

This is Jeanessa in limbo...

just when things are looking up (kind of), I hit this wall.

So, whatever, life sucks and then you die? Apparently an early death via stroke or heart attack with limb amputation and blindness in my case.

Forgive my rambling, I am quite upset by this. I'll post another day when I am feeling better about life in general.


Calianna said...

life sucks and then you die? Apparently an early death via stroke or heart attack with limb amputation and blindness in my case.

I understand you being upset by this, but it really doesn't have to end up this way.

Please try to look at this as more of a wakeup call.

BTW, your current weight is approximately the same as mine was a few years ago. You can lose it.

Going low carb - doing whatever you have to do to get through induction flu - will be so well worth it. You're shaking an addiction - never an easy thing, especially when it's carbs, which are absolutely everywhere. A legal dealer on every street corner, and every kitchen cupboard, carb pushers at every family gathering...

But you can do it. I have confidence in you. You're the woman who got the ball rolling and found a fantastic attorney to take on KK. You don't back down from scammers who refuse to refund your money, and you're not going to back down from this - we won't let you! Your health and future are far too important!

Jeanessa, there's nothing you can't do!!!

Anonymous said...

pre-diabetes and diabetes is NOT a death sentence. You can keep this under control and do fine. Yes, you should reduce your weight - it will help immensely. I was 'almost' pre-diabetic last year -- I know this because I get tested once a year because of family history. I had been borderline for about 3 years. I finally decided last year after ANOTHER borderline reading that I was going to get rid of the weight. I am down 70 lbs and my blood sugar numbers are in the normal range. Praise God.

You can do this - I know it has hit you hard - but you will come up for some reality and it is something manageable. Truly it is. I have faith and confidence in you!

BamaGal said...

Nessa, you have been doing intuitive eating right???

here's a couple of blog posts you will like

Major Disconnect: Intuitive Eating, Practically Speaking, Part 1

Major Disconnect: Intuitive Eating, Practically Speaking, Part 2

they both deal with intuitive eating but low carb wise...

Kat said...

Nessa..been there, done that..a couple of years ago I was prediabetic also. I paniced, lost 20 lbs, gained it back. Went to KK, lost 30 lbs, gained it back...I have until Oct of this year to at least lose another 20 lbs and get retested...I know the feeling. I just can't seem to get my head around anything after doing KK. Scary. I really need to do something. I do want to do Atkins again but I don't want the induction flu and do good and then go for mexican on my birthday next month and have to start over, lol. So...I am waiting until after my birthday do get serious. I really need to. I do not want to be diabetic when it is only due to the extra weight I have been carrying all my life.

You can do it girl, I have faith. Pre is better than full-blown and we know it is just because we are overweight. So lose that 20 plus pounds at last and you will be OK. We are all here for you. I am right behind you here soon...I'm a wimpy Atkins dieter though, I need to be on induction most of the time as I hate veggies and it gets hard to up stuff but I will try. Hang in there girl. We love ya and there is lots of support for ya on LCF.

Anonymous said...

I know that hearing of the potential of developing diabetes was surprising or rather a "get real" time.
But take this as an opportunity to improve and control your health.
Good luck with the upcoming changes in your WOE.